Mission Santa Maria is a 501(c)3 registered nonprofit organization and all donations are tax deductible. Our EIN is 26-1292723. Your support ensures that the children supported by Mission Santa Maria will continue to receive the education and care they need in a safe, loving atmosphere. Every gift matters and every dollar is providing support. Please consider making a donation today.

Ways to Give

Give by check: Direct gifts by check can be mailed to our United States office at:
Mission Santa Maria 
5 Mary St
Warren, NJ

Our monthly donors are a special community of individuals committed to making sure every child has an opportunity to receive high quality education and to pursue pathways to dignified, sustainable incomes. They allow us to plan ahead and commit to programs for the children we serve. Please consider becoming a part of this community!

School: $25/month

Your donation will send one child to school for the year.

School Plus: $35/month

Your donation will send one child to school and provide all of their supplies and school books for the year.

Classroom: $100/month

Your donation will provide new desks for an entire classroom each year.

Tutor: $250/month

Your donation will support one tutor at the Mission Home to lead virtual learning or teach children with educational deficits.

University: $500/month

Your donation will send one young adult to university.

Donating stock is a non-taxable event, meaning you do not owe capital gains tax on the appreciated amount and can deduct it on your taxes. Please contact your tax or financial advisor for more information.

If you are interested in donating shares of stock to Mission Santa Maria, please contact Jim at jim@missionsantamaria.com.

We are excited to share that you can now donate crypto currency to Mission Santa Maria. Learn more and make your cryptocurrency donation here.

Many companies and foundations have matching gift programs that will double or even triple charitable contributions made by their employees. Procedures for requesting matching gifts vary by employer. For more information about including Mission Santa Maria in your workplace giving program, please contact your employer, or contact Jim at jim@missionsantamaria.com.

AmazonSmile is a simple and automatic way for you to support Mission Santa Maria every time you shop, at no cost to you. Just designate Mission Santa Maria as your preferred charity when you shop on Amazon.com through the smile.amazon.com form, and 0.5% of the sale price of each item will be donated to Mission Santa Maria.